Date: July 23, 2024  Version: V.1

The General Terms below ("General Terms") must be read before any visitor or user ("You") uses this Service Platform. Use of this Service Platform indicates your acceptance, agreement and compliance with these General Terms.

1. General

a. SENT Entertainment Italy Srl ("We" or "Company" or "COMO TV") is a limited liability company established under the laws of Italy, domiciled in the territory of Italy, which in this case is the owner, operator and operator of the COMO TV platform which provides Over the Top (OTT) content services through the desktop website and mobile website http://tv.comofootball.com as well as COMO TV mobile apps on Android, iOS platforms and various other access, media, devices and platforms, whether already or will be available in the future (hereinafter individually or collectively referred to as the "Service Platform"). The Service Platform consists of the Services (as described below) and each part of the Service Platform (outside of the Services), including but not limited to the content, features, photos, images, audio, video, text, source code, and all technology attached thereto. 

b. The Service Platform can only be accessed in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. 

c. Access to the Content on Service Platform is available on free and paid basis from time to time. For this reason, you require an internet network and sufficient data package quota, which allows you to make payments and be subject to deductions from your credit or data package quota in connection with the use of the internet network and quota, the value of which is billed/charged by each telecommunications service provider that you use in accordance with the provisions stipulated by each telecommunications service provider. We are not responsible for the deduction of credit and/or data package quota that you have in connection with the use of the internet network and quota in downloading or accessing the Service if you do not have the appropriate device or device or if you have downloaded the wrong or incompatible version for your device or device. 

d. By accessing and using the Service Platform, you declare that you have read, understood, agreed and stated that you comply with the TermsGeneral . If You cannot agree to these General Terms, either in whole or in part, then You are not allowed to access this Service Platform or use the available Services. Thus, these General Terms constitute a binding agreement between You and Us in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 

e. You hereby represent and warrant that You, without the need for further proof by Us:  

  1. 18 (eighteen) years of age or older; and

  2. capable of entering into a binding agreement based on the applicable law in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in connection with the use of the Service Platform. If based on applicable law you have not or are not considered a person who is capable of entering into an agreement, then you must ensure that your agreement is represented by your parents and/or guardians. 

If not, then We reserve the right to block Your Account at any time or stop all Services that You use. 

f. These General Conditions are made in both Bahasa Indonesia and English versions, so there may be differences in the understanding and/or interpretation of some texts in the two versions. In the event of such differences, the Indonesian version shall prevail and be binding. 

2. Changes of General Provisions

a. Please note that We may change, modify, add, delete and/or correct ("Change") these General Terms at any time. In the event of a Change to these General Terms, We may provide notice regarding the Change immediately. By continuing to access and use this Service Platform after Changes to these General Terms, You agree and consent to any such Changes. 

b. Any Amendment to these General Terms shall supersede all previous versions, as of the date the Amendment is published.

3. Scope of Service

a. Through the Service Platform, We provide the services of (i) COMO TV free Subscription Package; atau (ii) COMO TV Subscription Package along with any other subscription packages that We may provide from time to time (individually and collectively, the "Services"). You can learn the specific terms of COMO TV Subscription Package ("Specific Terms") after the end of these General Terms. 

b. The Specific Terms constitute an integral and inseparable part of these General Terms. If there is any conflict between each of the Special Terms and these General Terms, the provisions in the Special Terms shall prevail and be binding. 

c. Some definitions and terms used in these General Conditions are also used in the respective Special Conditions, to the extent not specified otherwise. 

d. You can access the Service through the Service Platform. However, not all Service Platforms can be used and accessed to obtain the Services, but We will designate from time to time, through what Service Platform (what media, device or platform) each Service can be accessed by You. 

4. Pricing, Promotions, Programmes and Rewards

a. You realise that We as a Service provider have the authority to set the price for each Service that We provide on Service in the form of COMO TV Subscription Package, as relevant, that We provide on the Service Platform. If there is a price change for each Service, We will provide notice to You. You can decide at any time not to accept the price change by stopping Your subscription to Our Service. By using the paid Service, you agree to the price that We set. 

b. We may offer lower prices and/or promotions from time to time for COMO TV Subscription Package on the Services. Please note that these may require different terms and conditions, for example, in relation to booking and refund policies. 

c. We may at any time hold a programme, competition or other activity through the Service Platform ("Programme"), either directly or indirectly related to the Services that We provide. The terms and conditions of each Programme will be determined by Us individually or jointly. 

d. For each Programme, We will determine the winner and provide the prize or the like to the winner in accordance with Our sole discretion. The winner of the Programme may be subject to certain fees or taxes on the prize obtained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 

e. By participating in the Programme, you have read, understood and agreed to comply with all the terms and conditions of the relevant Programme. 

5. Registering your account

a. For the purpose of Your account registration ("Your Account"), We may collect and process Your personal information. In this case, You shall provide such information in a complete, accurate and up-to-date manner. All arrangements regarding the processing of Your personal data are set out in Our Privacy Policy.

b. By registering, You declare: (a) have filled in the correct, complete, accurate and up-to-date data about Yourself as requested by Us; (b) have updated the data if there is a change in Your personal data to maintain the accuracy and currency of Your data; (c) do not violate Our rights in connection with intellectual property rights and other rights inherent to Us in connection with the Subscription Package; (d) have complied with all applicable legal provisions in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia; and (e) before registering, You have confirmed to COMO TV Customer Support that the device or devices (mobile phone, tab, and the like) You are using are compatible/support the use of the Service Platform and the Services, by confirming to COMO TV Customer Support via live chat customer service on COMO TV mobile apps or email to comotv-support@comofootball.com to further ensure that You have received written confirmation from Us regarding the matter. 

c. You may not assign and/or transfer Your Account to any other party for any reason. For the avoidance of doubt, what is meant by transferring and/or assigning in this case is transferring or transferring ownership of your Account to another party in any way.

d. We have all rights to temporarily or permanently block, delete, deactivate Your Account or suspend and/or terminate Your access to the Service at Our sole discretion and for any reason without previously providing a reason for the blocking, deletion or deactivation of Your Account. The reasons for blocking, deleting, or deactivating Your Account, including but not limited to: 

1) Violation or non-compliance with these General Conditions and Special Conditions as well as applicable laws and regulations; 

2) Fraud or theft (or indication or suspicion of fraud or theft); 

3) Suspicion of crime or fraud; 

4) Acts of infringement of Intellectual Property Rights which become Our rights as referred to in Item 8 of these General Conditions, including but not limited to the redistribution of content contained in the Service Platform, either in part or in whole through any media in public areas or commercial areas without prior written permission from Us, both for commercial and other purposes;

5) You and/or other parties, which based on Our consideration will result in loss and/or damage to Us, Our affiliates or third parties who are bound by an agreement with Us; 

6) Based on Our consideration, the Service Platform and/or the Service is misused to violate the applicable legal provisions in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia committed by You and/or third parties; 

7) You provide inaccurate, false or misleading information; 

8) Engaging in inappropriate behaviour, threats or insults against COMO TV or any other party that may affect COMO TV's reputation and good name; 

9) Refuse to provide information that We require for the purposes of registering Your Account; 

10) Technical glitches affecting COMO TV's internal systems and governance; 

11) You are on a "blacklist" or "watch list" by a government or international organisation; 

12) There is a provision that makes it mandatory under applicable law.

Written warnings may be given by Us in connection with Your breach and non-compliance with the above provisions, by email or other media that We determine from time to time. 

6. Confidentiality of Your Account

a. You must ensure that the device or device used to access and log in using your account on this Service Platform is under your control. To be able to access the Service, You are also responsible for ensuring that your device or device is compatible/supports to access the Service Platform, and always maintains your device or device from disturbances to it that may arise, including but not limited to internet connection interruptions, malware and viruses, reduced RAM and memory, and accumulation of history and cache. For this reason, you release us from all risks, legal responsibilities (in any form), and losses that arise and may arise due to your negligence in connection with the device or device that you use. 

b. You shall maintain the security and confidentiality of Your Account password and the identification We provide to You in connection with Your Account. For this reason, in the event of disclosure of Your password in any case, which causes unauthorised use of Your account or identity unless the disclosure is due to Our negligence, then the unauthorised use of the Service Platform from Your Account will still be considered a legitimate action by You, and We will follow up on any actions taken by Your Account. You hereby declare to release Us from liability for any loss or damage arising from the misuse of Your Account. 

c. If You no longer have control over Your Account or You know Your Account has been hacked, then You must immediately notify Us (for example, Your Account is hacked in any way or Your device or device is stolen), so that We can temporarily block and/or disable Your Account as needed. 

d. We will provide best efforts to maintain the confidentiality and security of information regarding your Account by applying appropriate security standards. You realise that the confidentiality of Your Account on this Service Platform is also Your responsibility. For this reason, We advise You to always log out of Your Account after each use and always change the password that You use for Your Account periodically. 

e. In relation to the provisions of Item 4.f in section B regarding the Special Provisions of the COMO TV Subscription Package where You may share access to Your Account with other parties, You hereby declare that You are fully responsible for the confidentiality of Your own Account information and release Us from and against all risks and losses arising from the sharing of access to Your Account. 

7. Usage Restrictions

a. You hereby agree not to use the Service Platform, including any Service for: 1) unauthorised or unlawful activities; 2) activities with commercial purposes of any kind; and/or 3) activities that may harm COMO TV, either materially or immaterially.

b. You agree not to attempt, create, search, use or send any means by automated, manual or other forms of technology to collect or obtain information from the Service Platform, or in any other way to interact either directly or indirectly with the Service Platform. 

c. You agree that you will not use any equipment, software or other technology that may inhibit or attempt to inhibit the operation of this Service Platform. 

d. We may take strict action for your violation of this provision, including but not limited to blocking your account and terminating your access to the Service and Service Platform. We also have the right to file a civil lawsuit for the total amount of damages and losses suffered due to a violation of this provision. You hereby acknowledge and realise that violation of this provision is also a criminal act that can be processed legally. 

8. Intellectual Property Rights

a. All Intellectual Property Rights in this Service Platform are owned by us, our affiliates and/or third parties who are bound to collaborate with us. All information and materials, including but not limited to, domain names, content, software, text, data, graphics, images, sound, video, trademarks, logos, symbols, icons, html code, other code, other intellectual property rights in this Service Platform are prohibited from being published, modified, copied, reproduced, duplicated or changed in any way without permission stated in writing by Us. 

b. Thus, We guarantee that We are the owner and/or rights/licence holder of the Service Platform and Services and other content available on the Service Platform. 

c. You hereby realise that the Intellectual Property Rights owned by Us, Our affiliates and/or third parties who are bound to cooperate with Us, are strictly protected by laws and regulations. 

d. Nothing in these General Terms shall be construed as granting or transferring any right/licence to any Intellectual Property Rights to you or any other party, in whole or in part, whether implied or express, to use, own, copy, reproduce, publish, exploit, distribute, sell, transfer, publicly display, recreate, transmit, move, broadcast, disassemble any part of, modify and/or do any other thing that can reduce the rights contained in the Intellectual Property Rights referred to, unless otherwise expressly stated in these General Terms. The use of Intellectual Property Rights by third parties from this Service Platform is not considered a recommendation or sponsorship of the Service Platform by third parties. You hereby accept and agree that downloading any part of the Intellectual Property Rights does not give you rights to the Intellectual Property Rights.

e. You may not link, screen capture, scrapping, or data crawling to the Service Platform without Our prior written consent. These things are considered a violation of Our Intellectual Property Rights, Our affiliates and/or third parties who are bound to collaborate with Us.

f. In connection with the Intellectual Property Rights belonging to Our affiliates and/or third parties who are bound to cooperate with Us through the Service Platform, You realise that We do not have any authority over copyright, the entire creation process and the material contained therein. For this reason, You promise to release and release Us from responsibility for damages and losses that arise and may be suffered by You in connection with copyrights, creation processes and materials contained in the Intellectual Property Rights belonging to Our affiliates and/or third parties that are bound to collaborate with Us. 

g. We may take strict action for your violation of this provision, including but not limited to blocking your account and terminating your access to the Service and Service Platform. We also have the right to file a civil lawsuit for the total amount of damages and losses suffered due to a violation of this provision. You hereby acknowledge and realise that violation of this provision is also a criminal act that can be processed legally. 

9. Your Obligations

a. In accessing and using the Service Platform and the Services contained therein, you must comply with these General Conditions, the relevant Special Conditions and all applicable laws and regulations relevant to the use of the Service Platform and Services. 

b. In certain features on the Service Platform, such as but not limited to adult content and certain games, You must pay attention and fulfil the age criteria required for these features and pay attention to various impacts that may arise as a result of access to these features, including but not limited to social and psychological impacts. You are solely responsible and release Us from all consequences arising from Your negligence of this provision. 

c. The use of the Service Platform and Services that are not in accordance with these General Conditions, and Special Conditions may result in the Service Platform and Services not functioning properly. For this reason, You release and release Us from liability for damages and losses that may arise suffered by You and third parties. 

10. Disclaimer

You hereby represent to and agree that to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law: 

a. The Service Platform and Services are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We hereby expressly declare that We makes no warranty or guarantee of any kind, either express or implied, with respect to the following: 1) The Service Platform and Services can meet your needs or will always be accessible/usable; 2) The display of content on the Service Platform and Services is always on time according to schedule and can be held without interruption, including but not limited to those caused by Force Majure conditions as specified in these General Conditions; 3) The Service Platform and Services are appropriate or feasible to be offered and/or traded and are suitable for certain purposes; 4) The quality of any information, material, products, features or other things presented on the Service Platform and Services purchased or obtained by you meets your expectations; 5) The quality of any information, material, products, features or other things presented on the Service Platform and Services purchased or obtained by you provides sufficient satisfaction for you. 

Therefore, We shall not be subject to any action or liable for any matter in connection therewith. 

b. We do not warrant that: (i) the functions, services and security features provided in this Service Platform will be uninterrupted or error-free; (ii) errors or failures will be corrected; and (iii) the Service Platform or servers provide services that are free of viruses, malware or other harmful components; 

c. We do not guarantee that the Service Platform and the Services are free from sources of malicious, indecent or controversial material; and 

d. We are not responsible for any problems or technical disruptions from devices/devices, telephone networks or lines, computer online systems, servers, internet service providers, computer equipment, software, or anything including damage to your computer or anyone's computer as a result of using the Service Platform and Services. Thus, you acknowledge and agree that any trust in or use of information and/or content available on the Service Platform and Services is entirely at your own risk. 

11. Limitation of Liability

We will not be liable for any loss or damage, whether direct or indirect, resulting from or in connection with your use of the Service Platform and Services that do not comply with applicable laws and regulations and these General Terms, including but not limited to loss or damage in the form of personal injury, death, special damage, incidental, punitive or consequential damage or other economic losses. The only remedy available to you is termination of use of the Service Platform and Services. 

12. Indemnity

You hereby release Us, Our affiliates and third parties who are bound to cooperate with Us, including but not limited to Our employees, directors, commissioners, consultants, advisors, agents and subcontractors, Our affiliates and third parties who are bound to cooperate with Us, against all and any claims, claims or lawsuits for risks and losses arising from any third party as a result of Your use of the Service Platform and the Services therein and/or violations of the General Conditions, relevant Special Conditions and applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to legal costs incurred to protect Our interests, Our affiliates and third parties who are bound by agreements with Us. 

13. Termination of the Company's Service Platform

a. We have the sole and full discretion to suspend and/or terminate this Service Platform and/or any part of the Service Platform, including the Services provided within this Service Platform, and/or the use of the Service Platform and/or the Services, or any part thereof, at any time for any reason without prior notice to you. 

b. In the event of suspension and/or termination, you remain bound by the obligations in these General Terms, the relevant Special Terms, including but not limited to the provisions regarding warranties, indemnities, releases and limitations of liability that you have agreed to. 

c. We will not be liable to you or any third party for any suspension and/or termination of your access or use of the Service Platform or the Services. 

14. Refund Terms

That in connection with the available Services on COMO TV Subscription Package, as relevant, We, based on Our full discretion, may provide Refunds to You in accordance with the provisions for providing Refunds that apply to each/each of the Service that We provide. 

15. Privacy

We respect your confidentiality. We will endeavour to comply with applicable personal data protection laws and regulations. A Privacy Policy document which sets out Our and Your rights and obligations in relation to privacy, is available at here

16. Governing Law

These General Terms shall be subject to and construed in accordance with the laws applicable in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. 

17. Miscellaneous Provisions

a. Severability. If one or more of the terms, regulations or provisions contained in these General Conditions becomes unenforceable, or becomes invalid, or violates applicable law, or there is a law or court decision that prohibits its enforcement, then the other terms, regulations or provisions remain valid and binding on the parties. 

b. Force Majeure. What is meant by Force Majeure in these General Terms is an event or circumstance that occurs beyond our power or will to control, including but not limited to broadcast signals experiencing weather disturbances, natural disasters, space disasters, internet service disruptions, radioactive contamination, rebellion, hostage-taking, riots, war, epidemics, pandemics, disease outbreaks, government decisions and/or policies related to the foregoing, which occur in the Republic of Indonesia and in other parts of the world which directly or indirectly affect Our ability to carry out Our duties and responsibilities, including but not limited to the provision of the Service Platform and Services. You release Our responsibility and will not make any claims to Us, for delays or failures in providing the Service Platform and Services caused by Force Majeure. 

c. Transfer. You are not permitted to transfer part or all of Your obligations under these General Terms and Special Terms to other parties, either in part or in full, without Our prior knowledge and written consent. 

B. Special Provisions

Date: July 23, 2024  Version: V.1

COMO TV Subscription Plan

These COMO TV Subscription Package Specific Terms ("Subscription Package Specific Terms") are the terms of use of the COMO TV Subscription Service which constitute an integral part of and are subject to General Terms.

These Subscription Plan Terms are drawn up in Bahasa Indonesia. Any translations into other languages are for convenience and informational purposes only. In the event of a conflict between the Bahasa Indonesia version and any such translation, the Bahasa Indonesia version shall prevail.

1. Approval

a. The COMO TV Subscription Plan ("Subscription Plan") is a service provided by COMO TV, through which you can access various content provided on the Service Platform, including but not limited to sports events and various types of films, both feature films and series in live and on demand.

b. The Subscription Package can be accessed on the Service Platform designated by Us as informed from time to time, only for You who have registered and purchased the Subscription Package ("Service Customer"). Please read these Subscription Plan Terms carefully. By accessing and/or using the Subscription Plan, You agree to comply with any and all of these Subscription Plan Terms. If you do not agree to these Subscription Plan Terms in whole or in part, then you may not use and/or access the Subscription Plan. 

2. Subscription Procedure

a. The Subscription Plan requires you to register by entering your personal data, in accordance with the provisions in the General Terms. 

b. By purchasing the Subscription Package, you declare that you have confirmed to COMO TV Customer Support that the device or devices (mobile phone, tab, and the like) you are using are compatible or support the use of the Subscription Package, by confirming to COMO TV Customer Support via live chat customer service on COMO TV mobile apps or email to comotv-support@comofootball.com to further ensure that you have received written confirmation from COMO TV Customer Support in relation thereto. 

c. After registration, you can login/access the Subscription Package using the email account you used during registration. 

3. Payment

a. If You purchase a Subscription Package, You will be charged in accordance with the price of such Service set forth on the Service Platform from time to time. Please note that We may change, modify, and/or correct the price terms of the Subscription Package through the Service Platform at any time. 

b. We accept payment using several methods, including but not limited to credit card, virtual account and transfer. However, it is possible that for a certain time, only certain payment methods can be used to purchase Subscription Packages. 

c. The available payment methods are managed by third parties who officially cooperate with us ("Payment Service Provider"). Therefore, in the event that there is a failure in the payment process that occurs due to a system error at the Payment Service Provider, then You release Our responsibility from the risks and losses that arise and may arise therefrom. 

d. You hereby realise that the payment you have made may take longer to process confirmation, reconciliation or the like with the Payment Service Provider, thus making you unable to immediately obtain the services in the Subscription Package. In the event that you experience such problems, you are welcome to contact COMO TV Customer Support as mentioned in Item 2 of these Subscription Package Terms. 

e. All purchases made by you are non-cancellable and non-refundable, unless expressly provided otherwise in these Subscription Plan Terms.

4. Usage

a. You are fully responsible for any activities carried out using Your Account, including but not limited to the use of credit, quota, internet network and costs incurred when accessing the Subscription Package, any risks and/or losses arising as a result of misuse by You and/or third parties based on any reason and/or cause as a direct or indirect result of using the Subscription Package, and You hereby release Us from all demands, claims and lawsuits that may arise in any form and from any party.
b. The Subscription Package does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of the information, content or services available on such directory listings. You herein acknowledge that reliance on any information, content, features or services available on such directory listings is at your own risk. You also acknowledge that some of the content and services contained in this Subscription Plan are not intended for use by children of a certain age. 

c. That you hereby also declare your willingness to accept any product information or other information that can be submitted through the Service Platform. If you do not agree or cannot accept this, then you are allowed to stop using the Subscription Package contained in the Service Platform. 

d. The content and services contained in the Subscription Package are provided by us, our affiliates and/or third parties who are bound to cooperate with us, which have their respective terms and conditions of use. 

e. The streaming service quality of the Subscription Plan you are using is based on the internet bandwidth you have. 

f. We may sell Subscription Package with single stream, double stream and family stream features. Where in the double stream and family stream Subscription Package you are allowed to share access or use of the Subscription Package to other parties in accordance with the conditions stated in the description of each package. Please note that this sharing of access does not constitute a transfer or transfer of ownership of your Account to another party. 

5. Owner of Rights to Content

a. That the content and services contained in the Service Platform, and in the Subscription Package, including but not limited to text, logos, sounds, graphic photos, and other materials contained therein are protected by law related to copyright, brand rights, patent rights, and other intellectual property rights, where We are the owner and/or legal licensee of these rights. Any violation of the aforementioned rights is a default and an unlawful act. 

b. Using a Subscription Plan does not transfer or assign ownership of the intellectual property rights in the content or information you access. The content in the Subscription Plan may be used by you only for your own needs and not for commercial purposes. 

6. Cancellation/Refund

a. You hereby realise that: 

1) The content contained in the Service Platform and Subscription Package is content that We produce ourselves and/or We obtain from Our affiliates or from third parties who are bound to collaborate with Us; and

2) The implementation of activities to produce content is subject to global on-site situations and conditions, in which case it is possible for such third parties to delay or cancel such activities. Delays and cancellations may occur due to events including but not limited to Force Majeure conditions. 

As such, We have no control over the organisation of such an activity and Our access to the content referred to. 

b. As a result of such delays and cancellations, We have the authority to terminate the Subscription Plan in whole or in part. To that end, We may in Our sole discretion refund any part of the payment You have made to Us, by such method and within such time as We determine to be relevant, by written notice to You. 

7. Use for Unauthorised and Prohibited Purposes

a. You may not harm, alter or modify the Subscription Package (including but not limited to the text, logos, sounds, graphic photos, or other materials contained therein) or attempt to harm, alter or modify the Subscription Package in any way. 

b. We reserve the right to prohibit You from using or accessing the Subscription Package further if the device or devices You use are incompatible/supported or unauthorised or for any other purpose other than the intended purpose for the use of this Subscription Package. You undertake that You will only use the Subscription Package in accordance with the terms imposed by Us. 

c. For certain Subscription Packages whose access is not allowed for You to share with other parties, namely single stream, You are prohibited from sharing it for any reason. Violation of this provision authorises Us to delete, deactivate Your Account or suspend and/or terminate Your access to the Service at Our sole discretion. 

d. Subject to Your conditions of use, You warrant to Us that You will not use the Subscription Package for any purpose that is unauthorised and/or prohibited under the General Terms, these Subscription Package Terms and applicable laws and regulations.

8. Service Change

a. To provide a good experience for you, modifications, changes and improvements will be made periodically to parts of the Service Platform and Services. The Subscription Package may be subject to improvements and/or changes at any time that result in the Service Platform and Subscription Package being temporarily inaccessible, including but not limited to due to maintenance processes, telecommunications interruptions, and others. 

b. We also update and improve the Subscription Plan from time to time. For this reason, We may reduce, suspend or even switch off certain parts or features, with and/or without prior notice. The Service (and its owners, suppliers, consultants, advertisers, affiliates, partners, employees, or related entities) will not be subject to claims by you or any third party to change or stop some or all of the content, information, software, products, features and services published on this Service Platform, except in cases where the content, information, software, products, features and services referred to can be proven to be Intellectual Property Rights belonging to you or such third party. 

9. Other

In addition to the above purposes, We also reserve the right to change and update the Subscription Package, including the Customer's access to various content provided on the Service Platform, including but not limited to sports matches and various types of films, both feature films and series in the form of live and on demand.